
The aim of European Scouting is sainthood, and the green branch deploys the scouting method for Guides and Scouts to set them on this course. The green branch is divided into Guides (girls) and Scouts (boys) for children aged 12 to 17.

Scout Troops

A scout troop is made up of boys between the ages of 12 and 17.

These boys are divided into teams called ‘patrols’.

The patrols are made up of boys between 12 and 17 years old: the patrol is led by a patrol leader. The patrol leader is assisted by a “second”.

A troop is made up of 2 to 4 patrols, sometimes 5.

Scout Patrols

6 to 8 scouts who are autonomous.

A microsociety whose size is well adapted to the boy: each member is responsible for something.

At its head, there is a patrol leader. Each patrol is named after an animal and has its own motto

Patrol Leader and their Second

The patrol leader is chosen by the Court of Honour for his ability to command, and his sense of duty. He is between 14 and 17 years old.

The Patrol Leader chooses his Second, organises the patrol and gives everyone a mission during a patrol council.

He organises the patrol’s activities (meetings, outings, week-ends).

With the Chief, he is responsible for each scout’s progression.

He can pass his scouts through their tenderfoot and second class tests.

The Patrol Leader gets its scouts prepared to make their Promise.

The Patrol Leader is trained by the Troop Leader (through the Court of Honour, the High Patrol, individual meetings, etc…)

The Scout Law

•The scout’s honour is to be trusted

•The scout is loyal to his country, his parents, his chiefs and subordonates

•The scout’s duty is to help and save others

•The scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout

•The scout is courteous and chivalrous

•The scout sees nature as the work of God: he is a friend to plants and animals

•The scouts obeys readily and never half-does anything

•The scout has self-control: he smiles and sings under all difficulties

•The scout is thrifty and takes care of what belongs to others

•The scout is pure in thought, word and deed

The scout law is our law during our scout activities but also for all the aspects of our lives even when we are not in scout activities. The scout law embraces all aspects of our Christian life. Father Jacques Sevin said: the scout law is a summary of the gospel.

Action Posts

Each member of a patrol is given an action post, which they must fulfil.


This is a big mission is primarily carried out by the Patrol Chief (PC), since he is in charge of the souls of the scouts in his patrol. The Liturgist is the master of the prayer times in the patrol.


Responsible for internal and external communications (radio, internet, phone book…), game strategies, observation, transmission, discretion and camouflage techniques of the patrol. The Messenger is the master of optical relays, small and big games.


Responsible for the songs, the level of expression of the patrol, the quality and the quantity of the eves (gathering near the campfire). He seeks to develop the artistic talents of the boys in the patrol (drawing, music…). The Animator is the master of the campfire eve.


Responsible for all the movements of the patrol and the topographical equipment. He leads the patrol to meet others, to learn about its environment, to discover the European vocation of our movement. The Explorer is the master of patrol explorations.


Responsible for the comfort of the patrol in a camp, for the assembly and maintenance of the wood work equipment, for determining the types of wood that can be used for construction and making fire. The Pioneer is the master of the camp installations and nature expeditions.

First Aider

Responsible for the good health of the members of the patrol, for their good physical condition, for the good maintenance of the first aid kit and for the first aid that he is authorized to perform. The First aider is the master of the olympics and of the emergency interventions of the patrol.


Responsible for the patrol’s food supply: maintenance and cleanliness of pots and cooking utensils, food preparation conditions (cleanliness and hygiene), preparing a healthy menu and cooking the meals. The Cook is the master of the cooking competition.