Where in the UK will the groups be based?
Bedfordshire and Tyne and Wear initially, starting in early 2022. We welcome enquiries from people who want to set up groups in other parts of the UK.
What is the age range?
We’re starting with Wolf Cubs, aged 8 to 12, but hope to extend to Scouts (aged 12 to 17) once we are established.
Will there be something for girls too?
We’re starting just with boys, but would love to get Brownies and Guides going in due course, dependent on having the right female volunteers to organise and run such groups.
How often will the children meet and on what days?
We’re starting with monthly meetings on a weekend. Over time we plan to increase that to one meeting on a weekend and one meeting on a mid-week evening per month.
Will there be camps?
Yes, we hope to organise an annual Summer Camp, with all groups from the UK attending. Initially that might just be over a single weekend, but the long-term vision is for camps that are a week or a fortnight in duration.
What will be the fees?
- £10.00 joining fee – includes neckerchief and initial badges
- Monthly subscriptions £10.00 per child, for every month of the year.
- Parents will also need to purchase a traditional uniform for their child, plus badges.
- Fundraising events will need to be organised to make up the shortfall.
What costs do you have to cover?
- Set-up costs: legal, public liability insurance, website development and maintenance
- Ongoing costs
What will a typical meeting look like?
Who will be leading things?
Why the Scouts of Europe? What differentiates them from other scouting organisations?
- Baden Powell is reported to have told the founder of the SoE that he was the person who most understands his vision and pedagogy
- There is strong emphasis in the SoE upon service and raising leaders
- The Catholic faith underpins everything that happens
What is required from adults?
- Parents are asked not to just drop off their children, but to help where possible
- Some parents will be needed at the quarterly committee meetings and AGM
- Help will also be welcomed from other adults who wish to get involved
What about child protection?
- A child protection policy is being formulated. We will appoint a child protection officer
- Leaders and helpers will be DBS-checked and will undertake child protection courses
- Leaders will attend a First Aid course
Do I have to be Catholic?
It is expected that the majority of children attending will be Catholic, but all children are welcome, Catholic or non-Catholic
What religious activities will take place?
- Each group will be affiliated to a Catholic parish
- Opening and closing prayers; the Lord’s Prayer; grace before meals
- Sacraments
- Bible
- Catholic chaplain (seminarian or priest)