The Calendar for the Yellow and Green branches in the 1st and 2nd Knightsbridge groups for the rest of the academic year
Green branch:
Yellow branch:
Clicking on these links will simply download the calendar file
To add them to your personal calendar (google calendar, apple calendar etc.) follow this simple guide and find your calendar in the contents
When prompted, use the above links as the “Teamup iCalendar feed URL” for the relevant branch whose events you wish to keep track of.

See also below a general overview for the coming months
Events in green are for the Green branch
Events in yellow are for the Yellow branch
Events in black are for both
The to be confirmed camp with 9th Paris is for the Green branch only
Important information
High Patrol is formed of the patrol leaders and their assistants so not everyone is required to be in attendance
Some events are To Be Confirmed and are therefore grey
Events that are TBC are not included in the shared calendar so if you are interested for your child(ren) to attend please make a mental note