Beavers: Blue Branch

Boys and Girls (6 – 8 years old)

Overview of the Branch 

Within the colony, beavers live a thousand and one adventures based on the story of the “friends of the forest”, through small games, crafts, nature activities… . The Great Beavers guide them in these adventures and help them to progress… Little “beaver” when you arrive, you become “beavers” by receiving your promise and step by step, we progress from the source to the pond, passing by the stream and the waterfall, helping each other. 

Objectives of the Branch 

  • Socialisation of the child through discovery of the outside world 
  • Discovering the adult world 
  • Learning to play together 
  • Expression 
  • Discovering nature to better respect it 
  • Psychomotor development (resourcefulness, manual skills) 
  • Spiritual development 

Why the name “Beavers”? 

This appeals to the imaginary world  Beavers live in colonies  They are very skilled at building  They are led by the “Great Beavers”  They are animals skilled with their “ten fingers”  They live in nature  They are both aquatic and terrestrial animals  They are very sociable 

The Beaver Law 

The Beaver is joyful  The Beaver shares  The Beaver helps his/her family and friends.  The Beaver discovers Jesus and becomes his friend.

Patron Saints of the Beavery Colony 

Saint Dominic Savio 
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

Colony Size 

A colony can contain up to 16 beavers. 

Who can Join 

  • New attendees can try out the beavers a couple of times before committing  
  • Children should be in school years 2 or 3.
  • Ideally children should be practising Catholics, although we are open to non-Catholics

The progression of the Beavers 

It is spread over two years: 

In the first year, the beaver enters the colony, and, after a few meetings, he/she receives his/her neckerchief. Helped by the other beavers, he/she progresses little by little. Towards the end of the first quarter, he/she pronounces his/her promise (receiving a badge on the hat) and continues his/her progression to reach the SOURCE level. Then, he/she will aim to reach the STREAM level. 

In the second year, he/she will grow and train, obtaining the CASCADE and finally POND levels. 

When he/she grows up, he/she will be ready for the DIVE, that is to say the passage to the Pack.